Long Beach Municipal Band presents "The Joyful Sounds of Summer". The Long Beach Municipal Band is in its 97th season, making it the longest running, municipally supported band in the country. These free concerts provide a chance for neighbors and families to gather outdoors for a relaxing evening of picnicking, entertainment and music.
"The old-fashioned concert in the park is one of the finest family entertainment experiences available," said Curtis. "Many who attend the concerts, bring picnic dinners and blankets or lawn chairs. It’s a very festive atmosphere."
SMG will be the official food concessionaire at all concerts. There will be no need to worry about
dinner with a menu of salads, sandwiches, snacks, drinks, and desserts offered each evening. Call (562) 499-7565 if you wish to pre-order.
All concerts begin at 6:30 p.m.Week 1: June 27 - June 30
Tuesday, June 27: Whaley Park, 5620 Atherton
Wednesday, June 28: Los Cerritos Park, 3750 Del Mar Avenue
Thursday, June 29: Marine Stadium, 5255 Paoli Way
Friday, June 30: El Dorado Park, Studebaker Road & Willow Street
"Star Spangled Spectacular" This opening week of concerts will lift your spirit in time for America’s birthday celebration on the 4th of July. Our nation’s favorite rousing marches will be a part of the program along with a salute to our Armed Forces. What better way to kick off the summer than to join your Municipal Band in the parks of Long Beach. The uniquely talented Sherwood Sledge joins forces with the Studio Band for the perfect end to the evening.
Tuesday, July 4: Marina Green Park, Ocean Blvd. & Shoreline Stage. "The 4th of July with Fireworks!" Celebrating our nation’s birthday with a concert of great patriotic music and fireworks is an American tradition that the Municipal Band is proud to continue. Barbara
Morrison will perform with the Studio Band. Wave the flag as the band plays along with a spectacular fireworks display at The Marina Green Park in Downtown Long Beach! Long Beach residents – free.
Week 2, July 5 - 7Wednesday, July 5: Los Cerritos Park, 3750 Del Mar Avenue
Thursdays, July 6: Marine Stadium, 5255 Paoli Way
Friday, July 7: El Dorado Park, Studebaker Road & Willow Street
"Cartoons" The creative music of Saturday morning cartoons has always been an important part of every child’s life. The personality and emotional zeal of cartoon characters would be lost without the music. If you and your family like to smile, join the band for a zany, fun-filled evening. International recording star and the Municipal band’s "first lady of song", Barbara Morrison, concludes the evening.
Week 3, July 12 - 14 (No concert on Tuesday, July 11.)Wednesday, July 12: Los Cerritos Park, 3750 Del Mar Ave.
Thursday, July 13: Marine Stadium, 5255 Paoli Way
Friday, July 14: El Dorado Park, Studebaker Road & Willow Street
"It Sounds like Sousa" This week’s concerts use the same programmatic format used by the worldfamous Sousa Band. Hear the old classics, featured soloists, and some of the March King’s
favorites. Bring the family and experience the way this legendary band presented itself during the early 1900’s. We’ll close the evening in style with the entertaining vocalization of Derek Bordeaux.
Week 4, July 18 - 21
Tuesday, July 18: Bixby Park, 130 Cherry Ave.
Wednesday, July 19: Los Cerritos Park, 3750 Del Mar Avenue
Thursday, July 20: Marine Stadium, 5255 Paoli Way
Friday, July 21: El Dorado Park, Studebaker Road & Willow Street
"Let the good times roll" Musically speaking, good times never stop rolling! From one generation to the next, great music lives on. Ragtime, Dixieland, Blues, and Big Band, it’s all here in one concert! Singing sensation Jacki DiPiro provides the final touch as she performs with the Studio Band.
Week 5, July 25 - 28
Tuesdays, July 25: Whaley Park North, 5620 Atherton Street
Wednesday, July 26: Los Cerritos Park, 3750 Del Mar Avenue
Thursday, July 27: Marine Stadium, 5255 Paoli Way
Friday, July 28: El Dorado Park, Studebaker Road & Willow Street
"Around the World in 80 Minutes" Can we do it? The band will try to visit as many countries as possible on this quick musical tour round the planet. What a musically gifted world in which we live. It seems appropriate that vocalist Tony Galla provides a rousing finale to this international evening.
Week 6, August 1 - 4Tuesday, August 1: Bixby Park, 130 Cherry Ave.
Wednesday, August 2: Los Cerritos Park, 3750 Del Mar Avenue
Thursday, August 3: Marine Stadium, 5255 Paoli Way
Friday, August 4: El Dorado Park, Studebaker Road & Willow Street
" Movie Music Magic" Today’s great composers are often called upon to write music for the Silver Screen. Many of these scores have been re-orchestrated so that we can enjoy them tonight in the parks of Long Beach. Bring your popcorn, close your eyes, and listen to the magic. Individual members of the studio band are the featured soloists in closing this all instrumental night.
Week 7, August 8 - 11Tuesdays, August 8: Bixby Park, 130 Cherry Ave.
Wednesday, August 9: Los Cerritos Park, 3750 Del Mar Avenue
Thursday, August 10: Marine Stadium, 5255 Paoli Way
Friday, August 11: El Dorado Park, Studebaker Road & Willow Street
"Let Me Entertain You" The name of the business is entertainment - no matter whether it’s sports, circus acts, dancing, singing or acting out your favorite role. Come along as we simply enjoy the creative enthusiasm of America at play. Sensational blues and jazz vocalist Barbara Morrison for a return appearance with the Studio Band.
Week 8, August 15 - 18
Tuesdays, August 15: Bixby Park, 130 Cherry Ave.
Wednesday, August 16: Los Cerritos Park, 3750 Del Mar Avenue
Thursday, August 17: Marine Stadium, 5255 Paoli Way
Friday, August 18: El Dorado Park, Studebaker Road & Willow Street
"Broadway Nights" The "Great White Way" is the setting as the band illuminates the parks with magnificent music that has dazzled show audiences for decades. We hope to stir your memories and emotions as you listen to and enjoy these melodic offerings from the musical stage. This grand finale features the return of the one and only, Tony Galla.