Community Garden Day at Normandie Elementary
Growing Healthy at Normandie Elementary – Community Garden Day
Saturday June 4, 2005 and the first Saturday of each month
9 am to noon, Normandie Avenue Elementary
All are welcome! Please enter through the back gate: Turn East on 45th Street from Normandie Avenue. You will see the school directly in front of you. There is plenty of on-site and street parking. If your get lost on the day, call Neelam on 310 780 0426 (cell phone). Learn Indigenous farming methods you can practice at your own home. Please wear clothes and shoes suitable for gardening. Cold water and local, seasonal fruit
will be served.
ACTION and Growing Healthy are projects of: Community Services
Unlimited, Inc. Come and join us; do some work, eat some fruit and grow healthy, make it a family day! Lettuce, collard greens and daikon grown at Normandie Elementary on sale outside the school gates. All proceeds from sales go back to the Growing Healthy program at Normandie.
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