Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Long Beach Police Department: National Night Out

"National Night Out" Crime Prevention and Safety Fair
Please join the LBPD for "America's Night Out Against Crime" Tuesday August 2, 2005 from 6-9pm in Lowe's Home Improvement Parking Lot, 2840 Bellflower Blvd. Residents throughout Long Beach and across the nation are asked to turn on their porch lights, lock their doors, and spend the evening outside with neighbors and law enforcement to help build stronger police-partnerships and neighborhood unity in our fight for a safer community.
*"FOX" the helicopter
*View Police and Fire Safety Equipment and Vehicles
*"Herbie the Talking Police Car"
*"Robbie the Robot"
*Enjoy free B-B-Q hotdogs
*Crime Prevention Equipment Displays
*Have your children fingerprinted by LBPD
For additional information, please call LBPD Crime Prevention Unit: Police Services Asst. Christa King (562) 570-7274 or Community Relations Division Office (562) 570-7215


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