Thursday, August 17, 2006

Mud Mania: A Celebration of Adobe!

Sunday, August 20th, 12:30pm - 4:30 pm
Squish a little history between your toes at Rancho Los Cerritos and join the muddy festivities! Slither and slide through the gooey mud, make real adobe bricks, plaster a wall or construct a mini adobe home. Event also includes interactive activities focusing on archaeology, pottery and gardening, plus messy games, food and live music by The Witcher Brothers. This is one of the few times when it was okay to get dirty! Shoes required; de-mudding stations available. Bring an extra towel for the ride home! Due to the muddiness of this event, the house will be closed for tours.
$5.00 adults/$3.00 ages 4-12 (kids 3 and under FREE)
4600 Virginia Road, Long Beach, CA 90807, 562.570.1755