Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Youth Pathways to Pharmacy Program

The demand for pharmacy services and professionals is growing!

Program Services:
*10-week Work-Readiness Training and Summer Internship with CVS Pharmacies
*Exposure to all aspects of Retail Pharmacy and Store Operations
*Information on Industry, Career Opportunities and Educational Requirements
*$450 Cash Stipend, 10 LBUSD Work Experience Credits, CVS Gift Certificates and Opportunity for Paid Employment with CVS Pharmacies
*Job Coaching and Mentoring throughout Internship and Employment

Eligibility Criteria:
*Interested in Career as a Pharmacist or other Health Care/Medical Professional
*Incoming Junior or Senior Level High School Student - Fall 2007
*3.0 Minimum Grade Point Average Preferred

How to Apply:
*Attend Information Session on April 5, 2007, 5:30-7:00 p.m., at Jordan High School Auditorium, 6500 Atlantic Avenue, Long Beach, 90805;
*Parent/Guardian Attendance Strongly Encouraged
*Complete and Submit Program Application and Other Requested Information by April 20, 2007
*Participate in Selection Interview

For More Information, contact:
Kristen Major
Youth Opportunity Center
3447 Atlantic Avenue
Long Beach, CA 90807
(562) 570-4733

Friday, March 23, 2007

LBUSD Summer Enrichment Program 2007

For kids entering 1st -8th grades.

This is an exciting and fun academic enrichment program held at Tincher Preparatory School, 1701 Petaluma Ave, Long Beach, CA 90815

Courses: Art, Cooking, Chess, Computer, Drama, History, Music, Math, Science, Spanish, Sewing, etc.

Monday - Thursday, 9:00am - 12:00 noon
Session 1: June 25-July 12, 2007, $200
Session 2: July 16-August 2, 2007, $200
No class Wednesday, July 4th

The LBUSD Recreation Program will provide free playground supervisor before and after classes and all day on Fridays. District lunches available at no charge.

Brochures/registration forms available online: or by calling 562.218.0493x228

Early registration and sibling discounts are available

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Spelman College Howard Hughes Biomedical Summer Science Program

Only female applicants entering 12th grade in the fall will be considered for this rogram.

Spelman College, a historically black college for women, is pleased to announce the 2007 Howard Hughes Biomedical Summer Science Program. The program is a five week residential program for high school students interested in pursuing a career in biology, biochemistry, medicine or other life-science related fields.

The curriculum is designed to provide students with an integrative science education experience, while developing their laboratory, research and scientific literacy skills. Students will learn about the breadth and variety of biology disciplines by engaging in hands on projects and interacting with scientists in their "native" professional environment. The curriculum also provides students an opportunity to develop interpersonal skills by participating in group projects and scientific presentations.

Eligibility Applicants must be rising 12th graders enrolled in an accredited high school program*, have a minimum GPA of 3.0 and have demonstrated an interest in science and mathematics. Official transcripts must accompany applications for applicants to be considered for the program. Attendance and full participation are essential for achievement of program goals. Students may not participate in other summer activities or programs concurrently with the five-week HHMI program.

Recommendations Confidential recommendation forms from both a mathematics and a science teachers are required. (Applicants will not be considered without both recommendations.)
Stipend A stipend for a six-week period, June 17, 2007- July 20, 2007, will be provided. This stipend is subject to federal and state taxes. Room and Board is provided for the five week program.

Application Deadline March 30, 2007 (Applications must be postmarked by the deadline.)
Notification of Acceptance - April 27, 2007

*Students outside the state of Georgia may apply. Applications must be completed on-line. Recommendation forms must be downloaded and mailed.

To Apply click on this link: Application Instructions and Checklist - (PLEASE READ) We are no longer accepting applications for the Howard Hughes Summer Program.

To Apply click on this link: On-Line Application

Recommendation Form (pdf) - (You will need to print two copies of this form and mail to the address below in order to complete your application)

Mail recommendations and official transcript to:
Ms. Tokiwa SmithProgram, Coordinator
The Spelman College/Howard Hughes Summer Science Program Spelman College
Department of Biology
P.O. Box 1183
350 Spelman Lane, SW
Atlanta, GA 30314-4399

Monday, March 19, 2007

Queen Mary 40th Anniversary Celebration


Throughout the month of April, all of Long Beach is invited to come aboard the Queen Mary free of charge to kick off the 40th Anniversary celebration of the ship's 1967 arrival in the International City.

"We know that many people who live and work in Long Beach haven't been aboard the Queen Mary in a long time," said Howard Bell, president and CEO of RMS Foundation, Inc., the non-profit corporation that operates the city-owned ship. "This 40th Anniversary seems the perfect time for the community to rediscover not only the historic aspects of this city icon, but also the many exciting and diverse entertainment options the Queen Mary now has to offer. 'A Place to Celebrate' is our theme for the 40th Anniversary," Bell continued, "and we want the community to know they're included in the party."

Free admission will include the Self-guided Shipwalk Tour, highlighted by a new chronological look at the ship's 70-year history titled "Queen Mary Historic Exhibit: Her Story is History." Besides furnishings, objects and documents from the ship's archive, the new interpretation is made more personal with revealing quotes and stories from former passengers and crew.
"The Queen Mary has grown over the past couple of years to be a solid Southern California entertainment destination." Bell added. "Besides our first-class daytime tours, limited-run shows and fine art exhibitions, award-winning fine dining, catered events and weddings, the Queen Mary offers a whole other world of concerts, festivals, paranormal tours of the haunted ship and lively nighttime entertainment designed to appeal to a wide range of audiences. We look forward to showcasing the 'new' Queen Mary during the 40th Anniversary celebration," he concluded. "This is an exciting time for the Queen Mary - and the community."

To enjoy free admission, residents are asked to present their driver's license or a Long Beach business card or utility bill accompanied by a photo ID. This invitation is for individuals (not groups) and is available only at the Queen Mary ticket booth during normal attraction operating hours from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily. The tickets must be used the same day as purchased. The offer does not include parking, but free Passport Shuttle service is available from various downtown locations. A nominal fee will be charged for those wishing to book guided tours, the Ghosts & Legends Show, the Russian Submarine Scorpion or other ticketed attractions.

For more information about Queen Mary activities, please go to or call (562) 435-3511.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Free Saturday Family Theatre Series

The Saturday Family Theatre Series is a FREE opportunity for kids of all ages to experience the magic of theatre. With 8 to 10 performances over the course of the year, this series promises to educate and entertain attendees with fun, professional productions.
Saturday, March 10, 2007, 11 am until 12 noon.
OCPAC Arts Teach and AMERICANA UNLIMITED present acclaimed actress Judith Helton as "Laura Ingalls Wilder" - The westward movement comes to life with tales of covered wagons, sod houses, blizzards, grasshopper plagues and wild animals as the author of the famous "Little House" books shares stories of her pioneer girlhood on the prairie. (Presented by arrangement with Little House Heritage Trust.)

Saturday, April 28, 2007, 11 am until 12 noon.
BAD WATER BLUES: A Coral Reef Mystery by Richard Hellesen. Music & Lyrics by Michael Silversher. A lively and colorful musical that brings environmental science and ecology to life! (A South Coast Repertory production / The Boeing Company / The Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation, Honorary Producers)

Save the Dates! We have even more Saturday Family performances planned for 2007 – June 30, September 15 and November 10.

The International City Theatre is located at 300 E. Ocean Boulevard, Long Beach, CA 90802, in the Center Theater of the Long Beach Performing Arts Center. The Center Theatre is located behind the larger Terrace Theater (entrance is upstairs/street level).

All performances are at the Long Beach Performing Arts Center at 11AM (unless noted otherwise) and will last approximately one hour. If you park in the parking structure, there is an $8 parking fee, but parking is also available at meters on Ocean Blvd.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Community Health Forum, March 8, 2007

Advice for Parents of Children with Learning Disabilities and ADHD
Thursday, March 8, 9:00 AM-12:00 PM
Please join the Long Beach Department of Health and Human Services for a family-centered health education forum to be held at the Miller Family Health Education Center (MFHEC) on Thursday, March 8th, from 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
(Refreshments and registration 9:00-9:30 AM, Program 9:30 AM-12:00 PM).
This event is part of a monthly series of free health education forums entitled "Growing a Healthy Family." Presentations will focus on common learning disabilities and coping strategies/skills for parents of children with ADHD.

The event includes:
*Free childwatch for children over 2
*Transportation assistance (For transportation assistance, please call (562) 570-7931 by March 6th)
*Refreshments Prizes
*Interpretation in Spanish and Cambodian

To receive event flyers or if you have any questions, please email or call (562) 570-7901.
Miller Family Health Education Center
3820 Cherry Ave.
Long Beach, CA 90807

Monday, March 05, 2007

Southern California Spelling Bee, $1000 cash prize

March 18, 2007; 2 p.m. Every elementary school in SoCal is welcome to send its best speller. The winner takes home $1,000 cash. The event is held at Bayshore Church 5100 E. the Toldeo in the Belmont Shore area of Long Beach. Free to enter. NEW ($500 MORE THIS YEAR): If the winning speller's teacher is present for the entire bee, the teacher gets $250 for his/her classroom. Additionally, if the winning speller's principal is present for the entire bee, the principal will get $250 for his/her school. Contact or (562) 439-3316.