Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Youth Pathways to Pharmacy Program

The demand for pharmacy services and professionals is growing!

Program Services:
*10-week Work-Readiness Training and Summer Internship with CVS Pharmacies
*Exposure to all aspects of Retail Pharmacy and Store Operations
*Information on Industry, Career Opportunities and Educational Requirements
*$450 Cash Stipend, 10 LBUSD Work Experience Credits, CVS Gift Certificates and Opportunity for Paid Employment with CVS Pharmacies
*Job Coaching and Mentoring throughout Internship and Employment

Eligibility Criteria:
*Interested in Career as a Pharmacist or other Health Care/Medical Professional
*Incoming Junior or Senior Level High School Student - Fall 2007
*3.0 Minimum Grade Point Average Preferred

How to Apply:
*Attend Information Session on April 5, 2007, 5:30-7:00 p.m., at Jordan High School Auditorium, 6500 Atlantic Avenue, Long Beach, 90805;
*Parent/Guardian Attendance Strongly Encouraged
*Complete and Submit Program Application and Other Requested Information by April 20, 2007
*Participate in Selection Interview

For More Information, contact:
Kristen Major
Youth Opportunity Center
3447 Atlantic Avenue
Long Beach, CA 90807
(562) 570-4733