Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Full Medical Scholarships for African Americans

Full Medical Scholarships for African Americans
Please pass this on to any African American who may be interested in a free medical degree. Washington University in St. Louis, the Medical School, now ranked number 2 (along with Baltimore's John's Hopkins University Medical School) has scholarships to award to bright black Americans. The students that are chosen will be awarded full tuition for 4
yrs - $30,000.00 per year plus $2,500.00 stipend.
Check them out on the Web. Washington University (http://www.wustl.edu/). For Complete instructions and deadlines for
applying, call the office of undergraduate Admission at (800)638-0700 or (314)935-6087. To view the application and to obtain more information you can also visit their web site at http://admissions.wustledu (http://admissions.wustledu/)
The Ervin Scholars Program selection committee evaluates all Applications and invites finalists to Washington University for interviews in the spring. The University pays all travel and interview expenses.
John B. Ervin Scholars Program _ervin@wustl.edu_ (mailto:ervin@wustl.edu)
Dorothy Elliott Associate Director, John B. Ervin Scholars Program PH
314-935-7192 Fax:314-935-5875 E-mail:delliot@artsci.wstledu
Adrienna L. Glore, Associate Dean for Students, 314-935-5040 E-mail:
glore@dosa.wustl.edu_ (mailto:glore@dosa.wustl.edu)
If you know of any Black American that would like to apply please share this with them.
BDPA Richmond: Visit our web site for more information _
http://www.bdparichmondorg_ (http://www.bdparichmondorg/)


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