Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Back to School Tips

With the first day of school just around the corner, here are some tips to make the transition from summer a little more bearable:

*Pack lunches the night before and refrigerate!
*Make sure backpacks are packed and ready to go the night before.
*Create a homework center. Stock with extra crayons and supplies needed to complete homework. Make sure it's not near a t.v.
*Lay out clothes the night before.
*Remember kids need to make as many decisions as possible. Avoid power struggles by letting them make small decisions.
*Create a special hamper in the laundry room for uniforms and other rush items.
*Fold T-shirts so that the design is recognizeable without unfolding.
*Each evening have a 30 minute family clean up time to get everything back in place.


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