Monday, November 07, 2005

Knott's Berry Farm Discounts

Veteran's Tribute
November 1-4 and 6-24, 2005. Knott's annual tribute to our Military, past and present. Veterans or current serving military personnel plus one guest get in FREE with proper ID(DD214, Veterans Administration Hospital ID or Active Military Service ID.)Purchase up to six additional tickets for just $10 each. Please note, Knott's will be closed on Saturday, November 5.

Fire and Police Tribute
November 24 - December 18, 2005. Knott's Annual event honoring Fire & Police Personnel. With proper ID (employee ID card, paycheck, etc.)fire and police personnel plus one guest can receive free admission. Purchase up to six additional tickets for just $10 each.

Social Services Appreciation Days
November 24 - December 18
Free Knottā€™s Theme Park admission for Social Services personnel and their spouse or one guest with valid County photo ID or County pay stub and photo I.D.. And up to 6 additional tickets may be purchased for $10.00 each. This offer applies to State of California County Welfare, Human and Public Social Service employees only. Valid State of California County photo identification, which specifically references departments that support Welfare, Human, and Public Social Service Agencies is required. Employee must be present.

Toys For Tots
December 3-4, 10-11, & 17-18, 2005. Bring a brand new toy valued at $10 or more (not gift wrapped) to donate to Toys for Tots and you'll receive free admission to Knott's.


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