Thursday, April 05, 2007

Disney's Meet the Robinsons @ El Capitan Theatre, 3/20/07-5/20/07

The animated event of the spring, Walt Disney Pictures' "Meet the Robinsons", is a comedy about a young inventor named Lewis looking for the family he's never known. He is unexpectedly taken on a journey by a mysterious stranger named Wilbur Robinson into the FUTURE--an amazing and hilarious CG-animanted workd as only Disney can imagine it.
Rated G: For General Audiences

Showtimes: 10am, 12:25pm, 2:50pm, 5:15pm, 7:40pm and 9:55pm

Ticket Prices: Child (3-11): $10, Adults: $11 (Adults: $13 after 6pm)

Visit the Disney Soda Fountain and Studio Store right next door to the El Capitan Theatre!

El Capitan Theatre
6838 Hollywood Blvd (at Highland)
Hollywood, CA 90028
800-DISNEY6 (800-347-6396)